Play Faggot Games, Win Faggot Prizes
Welcome To The Penis Carnival
Fag-Girl and her amazing fish freak pet, named ‘Prizes.’ There’s lore now.
Games that suck you through your clothes. Games where you openly jack off during. Games that burn a third moon into your head. Games of cum and blood and trash. Faggot games.
The people have made, will make and are making faggot games. I detailed that truth in my last blog, and I will reiterate it here. Faggot Games: An Urgent Warning was a warning, yes, but also the characterization of an existing movement. The transgender macro vore sisters are eating well, but my hope is that they devour the entire city. With that in mind, I dedicate this blog to the faggot games that are, to games from a diversity of TTRPG environs and styles and sub-eras. I celebrate the freaks who are and the freaks who have been.
I dedicate this blog to exceptional faggot games, discussed in no particular order. Play these faggot games, and perhaps win my beautiful faggot prizes… (there are no prizes, sorry…)
Featured art from Sage The Anagogue’s Chapter Zero: Allostatic Hyperviolence.
Duh, bitch. Playing this game led me to write the first faggot games blog, and this game appeared multiple times when I sought recommendations for this blog. It figures - Sage has constructed something really exceptional in the realm of games that take the sexual seriously. Often when I post some self-concerned thing like “sometimes I feel like everyone else making kinky TTRPGs is into such darker shit than I am, I’m just a wet gormless little sweetheart” it’s because I just read something exceptional and fucked up from Sage’s latest draft of Praise The Hawkmoth King.
It’s an evil game, which I mean in the best way — its world is a death trap for its teenage protagonists, where death and supernaturally sexual assault are the only things worth playing with. It is interested in humiliation, snuff, the violence we inflict against the young both sexual and structural. It is bold enough to make its sex directional — one does not have sex, but instead fucks or is fucked. By the end of a typical session, your character sheet (or your actual body) will be so adorned with written mockery, you may as well get the boys around to jack off onto it.
Praise The Hawkmoth King didn’t seem like my kind of thing, but I found it deeply accessible and appreciable. This was partially informed by playing with Sage, but I think the cleverness of the game’s design and the immediately gripping nature of its premise made it very easy for me to slide into it. Snuff game is good. I’m really excited to see what Sage does with it next.
Several Miles From Heaven
Cover art from Sharang Biswas’ Several Miles From Heaven
I promise every game in this collection will not involve teens, but it’s certainly a trend. There’s a confusion, fluidity and rush present in teenage sexuality that makes for really urgent, compelling stories. In the same way that a story about a hitman racking his first kill would make for a compelling narrative, I think it makes sense why we return to young people for games of sex and sexuality… not to say sex is an inherently violent act, unless you’re Hawkmoth-Chan.
Several Miles From Heaven is a distinctly more sweet game than the last entry, with an emphasis on the connection between the body, self-image and the stories of demigods. It is a game that takes the concept of loving someone ‘warts and all’, and makes that a celestial process. Players physically mark themselves with Adorations and Secrets, then slowly remove their clothes to reveal those marks to each other.
I have not had the blessed luck to play this one yet, but I assume it gets really fucking hot. There’s something very intimate about the process of removing one’s clothes for another, and slowly building your shared history through looking at things you once hid from each other. It also seems like a sort of play that could bleed out of the game, into a process that helps one see their body as divine.
I am perhaps biased by the nature of my work, but I think games which produce and encourage positive, sweet and earnest feelings around sex and the body are incredibly valuable. Faggotgamology has room for blood, snot and vomit on the left scale, and three communist faerie girls making out sensitive style on the right.
Princess With a Cursed Dick
Art from Princess With a Cursed Dick by Anna Anthropy
I just think it’s a very cool game. I’ve definitely written about this one once or twice. In fact, it literally is mentioned in the first blog!
It’s not terribly common to get a game that explores this particular kind of submissive girl, a young woman who is faux-naive, desperate and determined to get it all to work. I am a switch, but when I am submissive this is an angle I enjoy playing — the thing which so desperately wants to fuck, to cum, to be given release, but also wants to be cute enough to do some princess shit. Something that’s really exciting to me about faggot games broadly, no matter what era they come from, is the potential they have to model exceptional and loveable types of faggots, to allow kinksters and queers to be seen.
I know I say shit like this all the time, but I think you could easily play Princess With a Cursed Dick as a solo journaling game between sessions of Sapphicworld. I love and make fantasy that is obsessed with letting go of reality to get off and create interesting situations. There is a suspension of disbelief in Princess that permits a medieval masquerade to be full of rope and leash perverts, perpendicular to a desire by the titular princess to be courteous and mannerly. It doesn’t make sense if you think about it for too long, but it’s a game called Princess With a Cursed Dick — it’s at its best when you take what it tells you and roll with it.
It’s also worth noting that Anna Anthropy has been making games in this genre for years, across a variety of mediums. I read Star Wench recently, which I deeply enjoyed. Check out Anna’s Itch, and you’ll definitely find something you enjoy / something that turns you on.
Toxic Sword Lesbians
Cover art from Ryui Smallbird’s Toxic Sword Lesbians.
If I am being frank with myself and you — I wrote Faggot Games: An Urgent Warning in contrast to a number of great queer games.
Relatedly, Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a great game made by great people, and I find myself being more and more critical of it over the years. I was overjoyed this year to encounter Toxic Sword Lesbians, a game that clearly loves the original and cuts down its more liberal qualities. A great example from the text itself:
“Call on a Toxic Power becomes Invoke Power. Oops! All Power Is Toxic. Even the kindly queen of your nice feminist country? Yeah. Even the leader of your noble rebellion? Yep.”
If you’ve played or read the original Thirsty Sword Lesbians, you’ll know that a lot of its original settings have a sort of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power quality. Good states, good queens, good revolutions. I deeply understand the utility of this in the sort of game TSL is, but Toxic Sword Lesbians encourages players to challenge the urge for perfect and clean heroes and powers.
ToxSL is also queer vs. queer, in ways that the original game is often not. There are no settings in the book where the enemies are homophobic — instead, its villains are just as fruity as its heroes, and conflict can exist on more complex lines.
Toxic Sword Lesbians is not interested in just, or even mostly being a critique of its predecessor, however. It adapts the original’s moves, playbooks, and structure into a new paradigm. It has its own settings, and tips for adjusting elements of the original settings. It’s a great game in its own right.
Whoring Out
A drawing I made specifically for this blog. Censored versions of Doll.bod, WE LIVE FOREVER, Can You Host? and Euphoria 2180 covers cum all over me.
I make faggot games, and my friends make faggot games. I hope drawing a bunch of game covers cumming all over me makes up for the fact that I’m about to plug my work and my friends’ work (that I haven’t mentioned already). Without further ado, a list of faggy projects made by myself, my friends, my partners and my comrades that I think you should check out. This is not comprehensive, but here’s a few highlights:
Doll.bod, created by my partner Wendy Ribston. A game about people who have sold their bodies and become agents of death, sex and victimization. The game has a wonderfully pronounced distinction between the role of the GM and the role of the players — it’s great for any domme with a TTRPG-playing polycule of subs.
Euphoria 2180, created by my partner Lilith Lilac Leviathan. I’ve playtested so much of this tactical survival game, including some games that are basically excuses to fuck my friends. Lots of weird augments, mutations, psychic powers, and cool weapons. Check it.
WE LIVE FOREVER (And We Love To Live), created by myself and IFeelOdd. I think me and Crowley have made something special, sexy and horrific with this game. Get fucked and transformed by a terrible pactmaker. Go to the black and suburban End. Live forever.
Can You Host? is actually an up-and-coming TTRPG by Natalie Pudim, with bits of work from myself and many other wonderful folks. I’ve said this directly to Natalie, but I love how this Belonging Outside Belonging game highlights and valorizes gay bars and in-person queer life specifically. Perfect for NEET-girls like myself, who often are anxious about IRL queer life.
Lightning Round
My Volt, from Warframe. He’s a lightning frame, you see. I’m very clever!
I’ve been working on this blog for a solid month, as I’ve been in and out of training trips for work. There are a ton of other games I’d like to do deep reads on and highlight, but I’m out of time here.
Deadly Weapons by Adira Slattery. Dark, risky girl-gun-game. I’m really excited to give this one a greater look and potentially play it.
Every Kind Of Touch by Geostatonary. Monster-fucker and fucking-monster game. Also, keep an eye out for TINTOY from the same creator — extremely good mind control game.
Hard by Kenneldogs. The game literally opens with a sentence containing the phrase ‘black-flag faggots’. Kill your rulers and fuck hard.
That game you’re making right now, that draft in your Google Docs. I’m excited to see it, when the beast goes free.
In Conclusion
An old piece I did for one of my Patreon blogs, which said many of the same things as this blog. One day I may repost that one, hm…
There are a lot of games I didn’t mention here that are faggy, beautiful and bold. This will not be the last time I highlight this sort of work, and this will not be the end of the faggot games movement. Here are a few things I’ll be doing to keep things moving:
Keep an eye out — once some other similar jams are over, I’ll be putting together a Faggot Games Jam!
Also, check out the Faggot Games Salon to be in-community with folks doing this sort of work, do work-trades and hang out! We’ve been having a ton of lively conversation and creative collaboration in the server.
I’m going to keep working on my own faggot games — Sapphicworld, A Stranger’s Just A Friend, and the currently-backing Dracotrophication.
Thanks for reading, and go fuck something evil for me.